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Best Peter Attia Podcast Episodes

Peter Attia is a physician interested in the science of longevity, which could potentially make incredible breakthroughs that will allow us to reverse the effects of aging.

Best Peter Attia Podcast Episodes

A goal that has been pursued by many generations of humans that have come before us.

As part of his interests and endeavors in the field of longevity, Peter Attia has also produced an incredible ongoing podcast called ‘The Drive.’

Which frequently discusses topics relating to health, aging, and mental health. Every episode has something new, and the show is thus worth tuning into.

But, of the many existing episodes, which ones demand your attention most? Let’s find out together!

Table of Contents

Episode 198 – Eye Health Everything You Need To Know With Steven Dell M.D.

Peter is joined in this fantastic episode by Ophthalmologist Steven Dell, as the two discuss arguably one of the most essential organs in the human body: the eye!

Steven Dell is a highly accomplished ophthalmologist who is a world leader in laser eye surgery.

If you’ve ever wondered about the minutiae of the eye and how you can perceive images through the organs, then this is an episode you’ll want to pay attention to.

Dell explains the average workings of the human eye and how they differ in people with different conditions, such as blindness.

As well as some of the problems that can affect the eyes, Dell takes an in-depth look at some treatments and solutions being sought to help our vision be the best it can be.

Finally, Dell also speaks about how the listener can best take care of their own eyes to prevent vision loss to enjoy the pleasures of sight well into the future.

This is a genuinely enlightening episode that will change how you look at those everyday organs.

Listen to this episode on youtube.

Episode 164 – Diagnosing, Preventing, & Treating Alzheimer’s Disease, & Life Lessons From Dementia Patients With Amanda Grant Smith

Alzheimer’s is one of the worst disorders that addles the human mind. Towards the end of one’s life, their brain function will naturally decline slightly.

But for those with Alzheimer’s and Dementia, these effects can be especially devastating.

To help generate a better understanding of the disorder, Peter enlists the help of Amanda Grant Smith in this episode.

Who can provide bountiful insight into the condition and how it is being treated.

Dementia is a particularly tricky ailment to diagnose before it worsens, which makes it even more frustrating to doctors and psychologists.

Thus, this episode seeks to explore some of the methods used to identify dementia early on!

Amanda Grant Smith is a psychiatrist who focuses much of her research on geriatrics.

And she has many years of experience in treating people living with Alzheimer’s and dementia, making her an excellent resource for knowledge.

Listen to this episode on youtube.

Episode 159 – The Anti-Vaccine Movement, Causes Of Autism, & COVID-19 Vaccine Update With Peter Hotez MD, Ph.D.

Wow. What an episode! With the recent rise in anti-vaccine rhetoric, there has been no better time to speak about the long history of those resistant to vaccines and their effects.

To help discuss these topics, Peter Attia calls on Peter Hotez, who is internationally recognized for his work in vaccine development.

The two discuss where the anti-vaccine originated, and the results may surprise you, as they did me!

As well as this, with more recent conspiracy theories that vaccines lead to autism.

The two also strike up a conversation about what leads to autism development and how difficult it can be to diagnose.

This is a great episode that can reveal to you the intense work that goes into developing a working vaccine.

But also help you to understand some of the mixed reactions that show up whenever a vaccine rollout is put into place.

Listen to this episode on youtube.

Episode 155 – The History, Challenges, And Gift Of Organ Transplantation With Chris Sonnenday, M.D.

Organ transplantation is one of the most incredible modern scientific advances that has been responsible for saving countless lives across the world and is thus well worthy of discussion.

To make the discussion of this topic even more enlightening, Chris Sonnenday joins the podcast for this episode.

Chris Sonnenday is the director of transplantation at Michigan Medicine.

And his time in this role has given him an excellent knowledge of what it takes to pull off a successful transplant.

As well as what the future of transplantation currently looks like.

To begin, though, the two start by discussing the history of transplants, primarily focussing on kidney and liver transplants.

They then talk about the long history of the procedure and what challenges lie ahead for its future.

This episode will help you to appreciate significantly the life-saving role that science has and will continue to have for many years to come in our lives.

Listen to this episode on youtube.

Episode 186 – The Opioid Crisis With Patrick Radden Keefe

If you want to know more about opioids, their long history, and the epidemic of their usage worldwide, then do I have the episode for you!

Within this podcast episode, Peter Attia is joined by guest Patrick Radden Keefe as he discusses the opioid crisis with us.

Patrick Radden Keefe is a journalist who has written extensively about the opioid crisis and has had a lot of success.

He has interviewed many high-profile figures within the field, which has helped us piece together the terrifying heart of the crisis.

As part of the episode, the two discuss the various corporate goings-on that led to opioids being mass-marketed and sold to ordinary people.

Mass marketing is part of the chain of events that has led to the world’s current opioid crisis. The two also discuss how challenging moving past the opioid crisis will be.

It will be incredibly challenging for those with intense medical needs or those with unique pain management needs.

The opioid crisis is a very tough topic to broach, and I feel that Peter Attia and his guest manage to do so effortlessly, with grace and gentleness.

While still affording the situation the gravity that it so rightly deserves. An essential episode.

Listen to this episode on youtube.

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