Affiliate Disclosure

This website earns money in a few ways:

  1. Affiliate Commissions – You make a purchase through a link, then we earn money.
  2. Ads – You’ll notice these ads on some pages.
  3. Product Sales – We sell our own products as well.

This helps support the site, pay for hosting, and allows us to invest in testing products and services. is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program that pays advertising fees. Basically, if you make a purchase, then we earn a commission.

We link to products using other affiliate programs to generate revenue. We try to review products candidly and honestly with the best information we have available.

We display disclaimers on all sponsored content. We may also include, in certain areas, more explanation defining sponsored content to readers. In addition, we will ensure the treatment and design of advertising and sponsored content are clearly separate from our editorial content.