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How to Upload A Podcast

Are you feeling confused about how or where to upload your podcast? Stick around. We’ve got some useful tips lined up to help you on your way.

At first glance, the tech spec-y aspects of podcasting seem intimidating. There’s never been one early-day podcaster NOT stumped by Platform? RSS? Podcast host service? Etc?

Once you grasp the necessary know-how, the rest follows smoothly into place. So. Without further delay, here are some pointers to get you started.

Here’s the basic idea:

  1. You have a self hosted WordPress website. (I like Site Ground)
  2. You have a podcast hosting service. (I like Castos)
  3. The podcast hosting service has a plugin or recommend plugin for uploading the show.
  4. Configure the plugin to work with your podcast hosting.
  5. You create a WP post for the show and the show is upload via the plugin.

Table of Contents

Where do I find the ‘upload’ section for my finished podcast?

It is a common misunderstanding by freshmen podcasters. You don’t! Apple (Podcasts or iTunes), Spotify, Google Podcasts, and other distributors are like shopping malls. The listener can choose which shop to visit, pick out which uploaded audio file they want, and then listen to it.

To get your podcast covering the WiFi waves:


Once the episode is recorded, mastered, and ready for publishing, you’ll need to upload in audio file form (usually .mp3) to a podcast hosting service. (Podcast hosting services host podcast files? Correct.)


The podcast hosting service you’ve chosen should induce an RSS feed URL. It is podcast-ready and means you can move on.


(this involves submitting to your chosen podcast distributor) Take your generated RSS URL and send it to your podcast app or outlet with an episode summary. At least a 1-minute long episode is needed at first. It tells your chosen outlet that it is a podcast with new uploads to come. TAKE NOTE…You only need to do this once. The podcast app or outlet directory will know when you add extra episodes after this and updates automatically in the RSS feed.


Click submit. Most outlets will send you a confirmation – typically email – that the received file is under review. 24 to 48 hours is the typical waiting period podcasters have to wait. However, it can take up to five days. Once approved, your podcast will be listed and ready for people to download or stream.

Our Pick
Castos Podcast Hosting

Learn More
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  • Buzzsprout is probably the most uncomplicated podcast host to get your head around. It’s one of the lower-cost, valuable return options that boasts all the features you could ever need incl: podcast stats, an easy-to-use dashboard, and a built-in website. If you need extra assistance, Buzzsprout themselves share regular advice through their blog. Their users regularly share first-hand tips ‘n’ tricks in the Facebook forum and other social media groups if you do get disoriented.
  • For fact-based informational podcasts, we recommend publishing show notes. Transcribed show notes, including links to resources mentioned and discussed, will summarise your podcast. It may make faculty personnel less doubtful about authenticity. Scribe.com is a useful Pay As You Go transcribing service with quick-turnaround available if you’re short on time.
  • Setting up a specified client app account is recommended. Submitting audio files through a personal client app account can be time-constrained and harder to organize when the files amass. (WE DID WARN YOU)
  • To upload to your WordPress-powered site, you need to create a ‘Podcasts’ category. Then, upload the audio file, probably using a plugin that hooks up with your podcast hosting service. It should be inside the episode’s link/embed options.

Which client app/outlet/podcast distributor should I aim for?

It goes without saying. Making your podcast available on various platforms increases your chance to reach more people.

Depending on your aims and needs, the options for distribution are abounding. Whether on Desktop, iOS, or Android, the major players will have an option for you.

Most distributors don’t require lots of time to submit either as most take their listings from the iTunes store.

Quick submission is handy as it leaves more room for the one thing you’ll need to focus on: Promoting your Podcast.

Putting so much research and late nights stretching into early mornings for a podcast no-one will listen to seems pointless. Maybe a blog post would’ve been easier.

Well, yes. But, podcast listenership from mobile devices on-the-go grew 150% between 2014 and 2018. Over 51% of U.S. adults alone have listened to a podcast. Someone close to you is tuning-in. Why wouldn’t you take advantage of this growing trend and jump?

Chief analyst at NextMarket Insights, Michael Wolf suggests podcasts are the less crowded content veil for marketers than blogging. Podcasts offer a listener multitasking capabilities. It may seem plain, but when cooking, driving, taking public transport, or doing anything on-the-go, being able to multitask while receiving useful information is such a valuable timesaver.

Humans are visual creatures. Experiencing and learning from visual stimuli is innate in our D-N-A. But the convenience and multitasking abilities a podcast gives an eager listener just can’t be ignored.
