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Best Episodes Of My Favorite Murder

My Favorite Murder is easily considered in the upper echelons of both true-crime and comedy podcasts.

Best Episodes Of My Favorite Murder

The show features an incredibly perfect blend of the two genres, which has made it easily one of the best podcasts in general on the internet.

The show is hosted by the effortlessly funny Karen Kilgariff and Georgia Hardstark. They both have a great sense of humor and an evident friendship that feels truly palpable in every episode.

This lends every episode infectious energy that is hard to resist.

Each episode of the series discusses a different murder, be it famous or not, and the two discuss it together, leading to hilarious conversations.

The show is very popular, and you will often see it mentioned in lists of the best true-crime and comedy podcasts on the internet, so if you’ve never heard the show yourself, you’re probably wondering what the hype is all about.

If you want to know what makes this show so good, you’ll want to try out some of the best episodes, so I’ve put together this list!

Read on below to get started!

Check out My Favorite Murder on our list of The Best True Crime Podcasts.

Table of Contents

Episode 184 – Weighted Blanket

Karen and Georgia discuss two separate murder cases in this episode, making this an excellent bumper episode and a perfect place to start if you are new to the series!

One of the cases explored in this episode is that of The Doodler. This creepy case involves a still yet-unidentified serial killer who had a strange habit of sketching his victims before killing them.

This killer met gay men in the California area between 1974 and 1975 and brutally murdered them, but not before sketching them in detail.

It is a creepy case as the strange doodled calling cards and the mysterious identity of the killer both managed to elude the police for many years!

The second case explored in this episode is the murder of Kris Kremers and Lisanne Froon.

Upon learning of their unusual deaths, police initially ruled the deaths to be accidental falls from a cliff while the two were traveling and hiking in Panama.

However, it was not long after the ruling was made that it became more and more apparent that foul play was likely involved in the case and that a third party most definitely was involved.

This is a freaky case guaranteed to leave chills across your body!

This is easily one of the best episodes of the series, as it features two very creepy cases for our hosts to explore, but it does not forget to inject the episode with plenty of humor.

Karen and Georgia’s discussions are hilarious but also quite fascinating in their own right.

This episode is also a perfect showcase of the balance of humor and drama that the show has become famous for, making for an excellent first episode.

You should definitely start here!

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Episode 231 – Small Bigfoot

You’ve very likely heard of NBA legend Michael Jordan, but did you also know about the murder of his father in 1993?

This is a bizarre and underreported case. It is also fascinating, making it a perfect talking point for our hilarious hosts.

The murder of James R. Jordan Senior occurred in July of 1993 as James was heading home from a recent funeral.

James pulled over along the road to nap, leaving him vulnerable to two criminals, Daniel Andre Green and Larry Martin Demery.

The two killed him while he slept, tossed him in a nearby swamp, and then took off in his car.

James’ body was found in a severe state of decomposition in August of that year, which made it difficult for the investigative team to accurately identify the body as James.

James’ killers were found thanks to a blunder they had made in using James’ phone after he had already died, making it very easy to hunt the criminals down.

This case is a crazy one that was quite severely mishandled by the police team.

In discussing the case, this episode turns into quite a fascinating discussion on some of the potential impacts of the case on Michael Jordan.

But don’t worry, this episode is still full of plenty of humor and lighthearted moments, so you can be sure it never gets too heavy!

Listen on myfavoritemurder.com.

Episode 169 – This Old Sandwich

The Power Rangers are a team of superheroes destined to save humanity from various extraterrestrial and paranormal threats, but what happens when the stars behind these iconic characters get pushed to the extremes?

This episode of My Favorite Murder explores two cases, one of which concerns the Power Ranger Murders.

This extraordinary case has left a significant stain on one of the many Power Rangers spin-off shows.

In January 2015, Ricardo Medina Jr., who played the red ranger in the immensely popular Power Rangers Wild Force spin-off, was directly involved in the murder of his roommate. He claimed that his roommate, Joshua Sutter, forced his way into Ricardo’s room after an earlier argument.

Ricardo stabbed his roommate in the abdomen with a replica sword from Conan The Barbarian, but unfortunately, Joshua quickly succumbed to his injuries and died that same day.

This episode explores the sheer absurdity of this case, what led up to it, and its aftermath.

This naturally also means that the episode touches on some interesting topics, such as the impact Ricardo’s conviction has had on the Power Rangers franchise and what the legacy of Power Rangers: Wild Force will continue to be in the future.

The second murder case in this episode is that of Denise Huber.

Denise Huber’s case is quite a sad one; she had been missing for more than three years before it was discovered that she had died.

Huber had recently attended a concert in Inglewood by the British singer Morrissey and was on her way home along a toll road when one of her car’s tires burst, forcing her to pull over.

Huber’s car was then found at 10 PM the next day by one of her friends heading along the same road.

The strange thing was, the battery had been completely emptied, the car was unlocked, and Huber herself was nowhere to be found.

Only three years later, Huber’s body was discovered, which gave closure to her family but left a strange and mysterious murder case in its wake.

Listening to the investigation of Huber’s murder unfold over time is quite fascinating, and Karen and Georgia make sure to add plenty of levity into the episode so that it never feels too heavy and so that it remains very humorous.

Look no further than this one if you’re looking for an episode that will have you laughing aloud.

It’s a great listen if you want to learn about the bizarre circumstances surrounding the death of Denise Huber and the Power Ranger Murders or if you simply want to enjoy a good laugh.

Listen on myfavoritemurder.com.

Episode 209 – Big Sweater Energy

Davina Buff Jones’ death is a mysterious one, and it will have you scratching your head and trying to piece together the clues as you listen to this episode.

Davina was just 33 years old when she died and had only been working as a police officer for around nine months at the time of her death.

Unfortunately, leading up to her death, her reputation in the community was less than favorable. She had been mistreated not just by her employers but also by the local people that she swore to protect and serve.

Davina’s final words were heard over her dispatch radio one night when she claimed to be involved in a situation with three other people.

Recordings of her final moments have her clearly stating, “You want to put the gun down,” to a yet unidentified third party. Then, a loud squeal is heard, clearly after having been shot.

However, Davina’s case investigation is not clear-cut despite the evidence.

The case has moved from being considered a homicide to a suicide and vice versa many times over the years. This has led many to believe the investigation into her death was a cover-up due to her reputation.

The conversations surrounding the case that Karen and Georgia get into are fascinating. They will have you considering every potential angel to come up with your conclusions on what happened on that fateful night.

This episode is easily one of the most engaging of the series, as you feel like an active part of the investigation!

But this is not the only case that this episode explores! This episode also touches on the case of Tiffany Taylor, who survived an attack from a notorious serial killer who had been seen stalking the streets of New Jersey and targeting women indiscriminately.

The story of this case is quite an inspiring one as Tiffany Taylor, not content with waiting months for justice and the police to find the culprit, decided to take it upon herself to find the perpetrator.

Tiffany and a group of other women successfully hunted down the killer and brought him to justice. This story will have you feeling inspired, and Karen and Georgia’s discussion of it is equally hilarious and insightful.

Listen on myfavoritemurder.com.

Episode 250 – Look Who’s Crossing

This episode follows the case of the murder of Sherri Rasmussen. This horrifying case illuminates some harsh truths surrounding police enforcement and even involves a horrific cover-up that will have your stomach tying itself in knots.

But don’t worry. Karen and Georgia are both here to keep the proceedings light and enjoyable.

The case of Sherri Rasmussen’s murder is most definitely a dark one.

Sherri was found dead in the apartment she shared with her husband, with evidence of gunshot wounds and signs of being beaten all across her body.

This occurred in 1986, at which point Sherri’s death was ruled to have resulted from a botched burglary.

However, in 2009, the cold case files for this case were reopened, and evidence suggested that LAPD officer Stephanie Lazarus, who had had a long friendship with Rasmussen, was responsible for the crime.

Bite marks on Rasmussen’s body were closely linked to Stephanie, which made her easily the prime suspect in the case.

Stephanie was later arrested for first-degree murder and sentenced to 27 years to life in prison.

However, this was not the end; evidence revealed that Stephanie was found to be involved in 1986. The LAPD covered up the evidence for many years to avoid implications being leveled against them.

This cover-up case is destined to leave you feeling angered at the apparent injustice in this case. Still, it will also have you feeling thankful that justice eventually was served, even though it took entirely too long to happen.

This episode is fantastic as our two hilarious hosts discuss every aspect of the case to get a complete picture of it and discuss some complex topics such as police brutality and police corruption and how it impacts us all.

The two also fill the episode with plenty of charm and humor.

You’ll be amazed at how well Karen and Georgia can balance difficult subject matter with effortless and respectful humor.

If you want an episode of the series that will help you to better understand some of the sadly ongoing issues with police corruption but that is also not lacking in laughs, then this is an episode you should make a point of trying out.

Listen on myfavoritemurder.com.

Check out My Favorite Murder on our list of The Best True Crime Podcasts.