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Best StarTalk Episodes

Neil Degrasse Tyson is one of the most trusted sources in the scientific field and a well-beloved celebrity in his own right.

Best Startalk Episodes

He is well known for bringing high-concept scientific theory to the masses and making it easily accessible to the ordinary person.

As part of his many media endeavors, Tyson also hosts his popular podcast series called StarTalk.

This involves him and numerous guest stars and hosts discussing various scientific topics, lighthearted and occasionally humorous.

It’s a truly captivating series, so you do not want to miss out. But which episodes should you try to get the best experience?

Let’s take a much closer look as I take you through some of the best episodes of StarTalk.

Table of Contents

Off The Blockchain With Dr. Sandra Johnson

If you’ve ever wondered just what the blockchain is and what cryptocurrencies are, don’t worry, you are not alone.

To make this new digital frontier a little clearer, Degrasse Tyson has set out to explore it in depth in this truly vital episode of his podcast series.

Dr. Sandra Johnson joins Tyson and his co-host Marcia Belsky in this episode.

Johnson is an electrical engineer with a great depth of knowledge about the blockchain and various other digital terms within the world of Crypto.

This episode explores just how the blockchain works and what it even means to the layperson.

This brilliant episode will answer whatever question you could ever have about NFTs, blockchain, and cryptocurrency.

Tyson and his guest also discuss the potential environmental impact of blockchain and other crypto endeavors and the future of such things.

Will we be buying everything with bitcoins in the future?

This episode is perfect if you want to glimpse the uncertain technological future and learn more about the fantastic world we live in.

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Cosmic Queries – Stoner Edition With Janna Levin

Janna Levin, a well-accomplished cosmologist, is Tyson’s special guest in this episode. They explore some of the biggest questions surrounding our cosmos.

Whether those questions are silly or serious, it doesn’t matter, as Tyson and Levin are here, with co-host Matt Kirshen to discuss it in detail, but with plenty of humor!

This episode answers questions such as whether it is possible to ‘surf’ on a gravitational wave and precisely what that would feel like.

This leads to some very hilarious comedy from Matt Kirshen, who delights in the playful absurdity.

Other questions include the universe’s expansion and what exists outside its constraints, and some of the hidden secrets of black holes.

These include the internal temperature of black holes and what would happen if dark matter were to pass through one.

This fascinating episode delves into some of the greatest mysteries of space in a lighthearted and fun way that will have you wanting to explore the stars yourself!

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Brain Training – Neuropriming & VR Technology

VR technology has sent considerable waves across the world, thanks to its potential impacts on entertainment and the realm of training.

Neil takes some time off from this episode of StarTalk as hosts Gary O’Reilly and Chuck Nice invite their guests Brett Wingeier and Michael Casale, Ph.D., onto the show.

Brett Wingeier is the co-founder of Halo Neuroscience, a form of immersive technology dedicated to improving muscle memory and motor function speeds.

Michael Casale is the chief science officer at StriVR, dedicated to developing VR training programs and technologies.

This episode explores how VR is being used in training situations for athletes, soldiers, and other intensive jobs and careers.

You’ll be amazed at just what VR technology is capable of, and you’ll soon want to try out some of these training programs for yourself.

Our hosts and their guests also explore exactly how VR training and neuro priming work and how it is possible to improve muscle memory through immersive technologies.

The information will blow your mind and have you in awe at just what the human mind can do with a little bit of augmentation!

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The Universe And Beyond, With Stephen Hawking

Want to see what happens when two of the greatest minds on earth come together? Look no further than this seminal episode of StarTalk featuring Stephen Hawking!

The late physicist appears in this episode in one of his final performances ever, making for rather heartrending listening and incredibly inspiring and enriching listening.

The episode starts with just a casual conversation between Neil and Stephen, which shows Stephen’s sense of humor and friendliness that he was very well known for.

Prepare to have your mind bent as Stephen explores what he thinks existed before the big bang and what could exist at the fringes of the universe and at the end of time.

This episode also involved fan questions, which no doubt had frequent listeners star-struck as the legendary Stephen Hawking was able to answer them himself.

This is a truly historic episode dedicated to Tyson’s late friend Stephen Hawking and is a truly inspiring and illuminating episode that you owe it to yourself to try out.

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Celebrating Einstein

You couldn’t possibly host a science podcast and not mention Albert Einstein at some point!

One of the greatest minds in human history was able to change the world of science numerous times, and his impact is still very much felt to this day.

This episode serves as a perfect celebration of the legacy of Einstein himself, as it not only explores his many theories and the impact that they have had.

But also explores a little bit of Einstein’s personal life, such as his childhood, relationships, and what he would get up to in his spare time.

This episode also explores Einstein’s impacts on space exploration and our understanding of our place in the universe.

Still to this day, in our theories around black holes, gravity, and electromagnetism, his impact can very much be felt all over.

It is clear that Einstein is still a very influential figure for Tyson and his co-hosts, and this love comes across effortlessly throughout the episode.

This episode is a touching tribute to one of the greatest minds ever, so it is well worth your time.

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