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Best Mad Fientist Episodes

Absolutely anyone can achieve financial independence.

All you need is the right advice, the right tools, and a little bit of discipline!

However, no matter how prepared you are, the most challenging part is taking the first step.

Best Mad Fientist Episodes

Mad Fientist is one of the best resources you can turn to if you want radical advice to help you reach your financial goals.

Every episode is engaging and packed with easy-to-digest information.

Below, I’ve listed the best episodes of Mad Fientist to get you started.

Check them out; you won’t regret it!

Table of Contents

Travis Shakespeare – Playing With FIRE

In this episode, the Mad Fientist talks with Travis Shakespeare, the executive producer of Playing With FIRE.

Playing With FIRE is a feature-length documentary that chronicles the meteoric rise of financial independence in the online world.

This episode is a veritable celebration of financial independence.

If you want to take steps to become financially independent but you need a bit of encouragement and inspiration, this episode is perfect for you.

Listen to this episode

Budgets Are Sexy – Challenge Everything

Budgeting can be difficult, tiresome, and very dull. As such, many people tend to avoid budgeting properly.

However, special guest J. Money believes budgeting can be sexy and enjoyable.

This money features some of J. Money’s best-ever advice.

He talks about how listeners can make budgeting more manageable and rewarding. If you hate budgeting, this episode will completely change your perspective.

Listen to this episode

Scott Young – Ultralearning

Ultralearning is a revolutionary new tool that can be used to make financial independence more accessible than ever.

However, many people still don’t understand this tool’s capacity to make their lives more profitable.

In this episode, The Mad Fientist talks to Scott Young, an author, and entrepreneur.

They discuss what ultralearning is and how listeners can best use it. This episode is practical, so make sure you take notes.

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Ramit Sethi – I Will Teach You To Be Rich

The host of I Will Teach You To Be Rich, Ramit Sethi, is an icon in the world of financial independence.

In this episode, he discusses his feelings on financial independence and why so many people struggle to achieve it.

The two hosts quickly bond over their shared occupations and have great discussions. It provides an insight into the industry and the hosts’ lives.

It is worth a listen if you’ve followed these hosts for some time.

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My Brother – Using The Power Of Money To Pursue Your Passion

This episode is one of the most heartwarming episodes of the series.

The Fientist is joined by his younger brother Brian, who has managed to control his finances to pursue his life passions without going broke!

The two bond over their shared childhood, what they have both learned over the years about financial independence, and what it takes to make it.

This episode is full of joy and packed with great advice.

Listen to this episode

PopUp Business School – The Right Way To Start A Business

Starting your own business can be incredibly rewarding, and many of us have grand dreams of entrepreneurship.

However, making it in the world of independent business is much harder than it looks.

In this episode, the Mad Fientist talks to his good friend Alan.

Alan is a successful entrepreneur with excellent advice regarding how listeners can start their own businesses and keep their momentum going.

Listen to this episode

Street Smart Finance – The Real American Dream

The ‘American dream’ idea has been in the collective consciousness for many years.

The idea represents personal liberty, potential, and financial success. However, the definition of the term continues to change in the modern world.

This episode of Mat Fientist explores how the term has changed and what it means to people now.

The host gets to chat with Shilpan of ‘Streetsmartfinance.org,’ the website that has made financial dreams into reality for millions of people.

Listen to this episode

Going Back To Work After Early Retirement

Many of us seek financial independence to escape the daily rat race and retire early.

However, while this is a positive reality for some people, others have found it not to be anything like they expected.

This episode concerns Tony, a man who left his early retirement behind to pursue a working life and found himself much happier.

Considering the other side of the coin regarding financial independence is essential, and this episode is the perfect opportunity.

Listen to this episode

Frugalwoods – Making Frugality Fun

Spending money is fun. It feels nice to spend the money you have worked hard to earn on something you want.

However, there comes a time when we all must learn to be frugal.

In this episode, the Mad Fientist talks to Mr. and Mrs. Frugalwoods to find out how they manage to use frugality to make their lives much happier.

If you struggle with overspending, this is an excellent episode for you.

Listen to this episode

The Happy Philosopher – Semiretirement And Finding Happiness

Jeff, the host of The Happy Philosopher, is this episode’s guest.

He and the Mad Fientist talk about some of the unique challenges that financial independence presents and how they have tackled them in unique ways.

They also talk about the potential of semi-retirement and their own experiences.

If you’ve been toying with the idea of retirement, this episode provides invaluable insight and advice.

Listen to this episode

James Clear – Atomic Habits and Building a New Identity After Retirement

Author James Clear has dramatically impacted the Mad Fientist, and in this session, the two discuss how to best create a meaningful life as you leave your career.

James talks about the importance of habits and why deliberate practice is crucial for success and shares other helpful tips that will get you further in life.

Find out where you can start the first step towards your new identity on this podcast episode.

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Michael Kitces – The 4% Rule and Financial Planning for Early Retirement

He covers numerous topics on the show, including FIRE, loving your job, why pursuing passions in life is overrated, and much more.

And if you want to learn how to perform a digital declutter, Cal will also guide you through that!

It’s an excellent interview that will resonate with every podcast enthusiast.

Listen to this episode

Radical Personal Finance – Part One

Brandon gets invited to be the guest on the Radical Personal Finance podcast, a show about personal finance and radical ideas.

It turned out to be a fruitful two-hour conversation full of practical advice. The two discussed various topics, from travel hacking to maintaining expensive hobbies.

This episode is about taking different paths to financial independence, and it sure is one of the best!

Listen to this episode

Your Money or Your Life – An Interview with Author Vicki Robin

The founder of the financial independence movement, Vicki Robin, joins the show!

One can consider her bestselling book, Your Money or Your Life, an actual bible when it comes down to being financially independent.

Vicki has been a driving force in the FI community since before most of us were born, and she’s had more than enough experience to share with the listeners.

You’re sure not going to want to miss this interview!

Listen to this episode

JD Roth – Get Rich Slowly

The Mad Fientist is joined by JD Roth, one of the most respected writers in the personal finance world and an expert on handling financial stress.

He spends most days writing his incredibly popular blog, getrichslowly.org, where you can find posts on money tips and life principles.

In this episode, JD shared his wisdom about personal and financial freedom providing plenty of practical advice!

Listen to this episode

Mr. Money Mustache – Early Retirement Made Easy

In this episode, Mad Fientist sits down with Mr. Money Mustache himself – a man who retired at thirty-three and now finds himself as one of our most inspiring personal finance authors on cyberspace.

He talks about his journey to financial independence, and his tips are sure to get you on the right track!

Mr. Money Mustache is an inspiration to not only himself but everyone who reads his articles on financial independence and happiness in life!

Listen to this episode

JL Collins NH – The Importance of F-You Money

Financial advice can help you make informed decisions about your finances, and it’s also an excellent way to plan for the future and manage your money.

We strongly recommend this episode with JL Collins to start with!

He’ll be talking about all things finances–including what investments are best for beginners, mistakes he made, and much more.

In this podcast, you’ll familiarize yourself with three simple steps for FI that will make your journey much more accessible.

Listen to this episode

1500 Days – Pulling the Early Retirement Trigger

Understanding the benefits and drawbacks of early retirement is essential before you make your decision. If you’re considering this for yourself, this is the episode for you.

This time, Mr & Mrs 1500 Days from 1500 Days join the show!

They talk through the 4% rule, strategies for building wealth with real estate, and how to prepare your portfolio for less economic growth. And they’re sure of one thing – happiness always comes first!

Listen to this episode

Physician on FIRE – Geographic Arbitrage, Sunk Costs, and Gangsta Rap

In this episode, you’ll learn how to achieve financial independence by using geographic arbitrage – spending less while earning more.

The Mad Fientist is joined by Mr & Mrs 1500 to interview the Physician on FIRE, and it’s one of the best discussions!

They talk about the meaning of FIRE, dealing with sunk costs, and how to separate your identity from your job. Oh, and Mrs. 1500 has a fantastic gangster rap verse up her sleeve.

Listen to this episode