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Best Horror Podcasts

Nothing quite beats a good scare. Since the age of the caveman, we have been telling spooky and creepy stories to elicit feelings of fear for many years.

Best Horror Podcasts

Fear is one of the most accessible emotions to induce, and thus horror-based podcasts have seen a significant rise in recent years.

As a result, you’re probably looking to find one to listen to for yourself to get some chills! But there are so many horror podcasts out there.

And so many of them are so ordinary and look precisely the same. How are you supposed to find the ones worth listening to?

I’ve done the tricky part and gone through some of the best horror podcasts on the internet to find the best stuff you should listen to. Join me below!

Table of Contents

The No Sleep Podcast

This is a perfect horror anthology for the modern age. This podcast features a new short horror story every episode.

With a wide range of themes and concepts explored, you can get all manner of chills with each listen.

The show is hosted by David Cummings, who takes you through every story in excruciating detail and has the perfect voice to deliver such creepy stories.

Cumming is also very gifted in storytelling and knows how to create the most tension for dramatic effect to drive the horror home in every single episode.

Each episode is around an hour long, but this is an excellent choice if you want more than one or two episodes.

The first episode was released back in 2011. Since then, the team has been bringing the best horror stories from around the world directly to listeners like you.

If you love scary movies, then you’ll love this podcast. The series is based on the No Sleep subreddit, which features some of the best horror stories and creepypastas on the internet.

This makes it a modern horror podcast full of the best stories with a modern flair.

Each episode features a story you have never heard before, so you can always depend on it to be surprised.

There are currently over five seasons of the podcast, ranging from a massive range of stories.

They include everything from ghost stories to monster tales, psychological thrillers to supernatural horrors, and even a few classics thrown into the mix as well.

Listen on thenosleeppodcast

Alice Isn’t Dead

In this podcast, we explore the mystery of a man searching for his missing wife across the various roads of America.

This fictional podcast series is seriously engaging, and you will have a hard time resisting the urge to binge it all.

Throughout the search, the man meets several interesting characters and discovers a number of new and unexplainable mysteries that send him further and further down specific rabbit holes.

As his search moves onward, he learns that the circumstances behind his wife’s disappearance are more complex than he initially assumed.

Listen on nightvalepresents

The Magnus Archives

This fictional podcast, written by Jonathan Sims, is one heck of a treat.

The series follows the exploits of the fictional head archivist of the Magnus Institute, an organization dedicated to the paranormal.

As a result of Jonathan Sims’s work, he naturally encounters some bizarre phenomena and investigates many spooky and frightening stories.

His job involves archiving mountains of supernatural materials, statements, audio recordings, and statements, a laborious job that naturally leads him down some very spooky rabbit holes.

The series is highly entertaining, and you won’t regret listening to any of its episodes.

Each episode easily stands alone as a perfectly contained ghost story, but when all the episodes are taken together as a cohesive whole.

It creates a massive supernatural story tapestry that will scare your socks off.

Listen on rustyquill


Have you ever wanted to know a little more about some of the world’s rich folklore and fairytales?

Want to know the meaning behind some of the most famous urban legends and their dark secrets?

If so, you are in very safe hands with the Lore podcast. Every episode of this show is dedicated to diving deep into some of the world’s most well-known folklore and fairytales.

And some of the discoveries made throughout some of the episodes will have you in stunned silence.

The Lore podcast has quickly become one of the biggest podcasts ever made.

So you can be sure that you are getting the best possible experience, and you’ll be hearing some of the best horror stories ever.

The podcast is so good that it has won multiple awards to celebrate its outstanding commitments.

They work hard on storytelling and documenting the incredible history behind some of humanity’s oldest stories and legends.

By listening to this podcast, you’ll simultaneously be hearing some of the best horror stories ever recounted.

While also learning a great deal about human history and how it has shaped our stories and legends.

Some of the histories behind the folklore stories are scarier than the stories they spawned, which makes this series truly intriguing and worthy of your time.

Listen on lorepodcast

Welcome To Night Vale

This podcast series takes a lot of its cues from the cult classic series Twin Peaks, and it has resulted in easily one of the most interesting fiction podcasts I’ve ever heard.

The series concerns the small town of Night Vale and its eclectic cast of characters.

Each town resident takes note of strange supernatural goings-on, such as floating cats and ominous clouds that hang overhead.

The series is profoundly unsettling but has a slight comedy twist, thanks to the sheer absurdity of its story scenarios.

As a result, the series is both hilarious and terrifying at the same time, and it is effortless to listen to.

You can quite quickly dip in and listen to the episodes in any order you want, but I recommend listening to them in release order to get a complete picture of the town of Night Vale.

They all add together to create a vibrant tapestry of a town with plenty hidden under the surface!

Listen on welcometonightvale

Let’s Not Meet: A True Horror Podcast

The stories contained within episodes of Let’s Not Meet are horrifying.

They are first-hand accounts of close calls and escapes from dangerous people, from the people that experienced them.

This gives the series a great sense of reality that allows it to stand apart from the crowd. You know that everything you are hearing is true, which is deeply unsettling and creepy!

Every story is told excellently by Andrew Tate, who hosts the series, as he takes the listener through all of the critical events and makes sure to make the stories sound as creepy as possible.

If you want horror stories based on actual events, you really can do no better.

Listen on Lets Not Meet Podcast

Ghosts In The Burbs

As the website for this show puts it, the concept behind this series is incredibly simple.

The series is described as a podcast about “the people of Wellesley, Massachusetts and the ghosts (and monsters) who haunt them.”

Though it may be a straightforward concept to base an entire podcast series on, the hosts of the show can perfectly draw out.

Some of the creepiest ghost stories from the people of this small suburban town.

As well as having a whole host of creepy stories, this series is also hilarious.

Thanks to the hosts’ great sense of humor that somehow brings the laughs even while telling some of the most chilling ghost stories I’ve ever heard.

Listen on ghostintheburbs