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Best Financial Samurai Episodes

Financial Samurai is a podcast series with perhaps the aptest name around!

The show will show you how you can cut down on your spending, including what things you should be buying and how you can slash your bills to lower your cost of living.

Best Financial Samurai Episodes

The Financial Samurai website was first set up in 2009 by Sam Dogen due to the economic recession that hit the world around that time.

Sam took to the internet to give some of his top advice to help people save during a challenging period and spend less money than before.

The Financial Samurai podcast takes this concept even further and allows Sam Dogen to provide his advice in audio form.

The show has become immensely popular; thus, you’re likely reading this because you want to know where to start.

Read on to get started! I recommend trying the following episodes first. They have the best content and are well worthy of your time.

Table of Contents

Be Unapologetically Fierce About Pursuing Your Dreams

One of the most important things you can remember when pursuing your dreams is to do so with passion and emotional vigor.

It can be easy to let other people’s opinions dictate how we act and what we do, so this podcast episode is dedicated to celebrating self-expression and passion.

Many people will seek to take you down out of jealousy, so in this episode, the Financial Samurai looks at some ways you can deal with criticism from others and come out the other side a much stronger and more complete person.

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The Three Levels Of Financial Independence – Money Is Only Part Of The Equation

Financial independence is a goal that many people have found themselves attracted to in recent years, thanks to the prospects it opens up and the opportunities it affords to those that want to retire earlier and enjoy more of their life.

However, achieving true financial independence is easier said than done; without the right advice, you won’t get very far.

In this episode, the Financial Samurai illustrates the three levels of financial independence and which level you should aim for.

This will help you make better-informed decisions about your financial independence and achieve your goals more efficiently, mitigating risk.

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Reduce Emotional Stress

Much of life’s difficulty comes about from how we perceive it. If we believe that the world is acting against us, we will begin to see things confirming that suspicion.

This episode explores how perception can significantly impact mental health and your chances of success in multiple areas of life.

This episode doesn’t simply tell you that shifting your perspective is a good step towards improving your life. It also gives you plenty of actionable advice that you can apply to your life and begin improving it.

The advice in this episode is simple but incredibly effective, making for worthwhile listening.

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Things Worth Spending Max Money On For A Better Life

Given that the Financial Samurai started advising people worldwide to help curb overspending, it makes sense that this would be one of the series’ best episodes.

In this episode, the Samurai takes a slightly different approach and looks at some things you should not scrimp on and those you should invest in fully for better satisfaction.

The things that are essential. But what are these things? You’ll have to listen to the episode yourself to find out!

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Destroy Debt Quicker: An Easy And Painless Way To Be More Free

Being in debt can be incredibly tiresome and crushing, and many people can be trapped in debt for long periods.

The worst part is that clawing yourself out of debt can be just as, if not more painful than being in debt, so many find themselves never truly escaping it.

But what if there were a fun and easy way to do it? A way to crush debt once and for all and free yourself from its mighty grasp?

Luckily, there is! The Financial Samurai is here to show you a quick, easy, and most of all, enjoyable way that you can escape your debts and free yourself from financial tyranny.

The technique that the Financial Samurai shares will blow your mind and is ingenious. You’ll honestly wonder why you never thought of it yourself!

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Be Brutally Honest With Yourself

The first step towards becoming a better person is recognizing some of your deepest flaws.

As humans, we tend to hide away the worst parts of ourselves and pretend that they aren’t there until they show themselves in ugly and harmful ways.

To become a better person, you need to be self-critical and notice your flaws in a healthy way, and this episode of The Financial Samurai will show you exactly how to do just this.

This episode is powerful because it teaches you to notice your flaws constructively, so it won’t make you feel miserable about yourself!

Listen to this episode

At What Age Do Most People Retire In America?

Most people at work aim for retirement in some form or another.

Whether it be a traditional retirement or the much-sought early retirement, there is something very appealing about the idea of escaping the rat race and being financially independent.

But at what age do people usually retire in the US?

This is a surprisingly nuanced question with lots of angles to consider, so this episode is dedicated to exploring it fairly and accurately!

Listen to this episode

Solving The Happiness Conundrum In Five Moves Or Less

Despite living in wealthy countries, there are so many miserable people worldwide.

Why is that so? What can we do to elevate our happiness? This episode will give you the clarity you need.

It explores ways to boost your happiness through reaching independence, having support from your relatives, and having a healthy family life.

This fantastic episode is an excellent reminder that money is not the only currency in our lives, making it one of the best.

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Why $5 Million Is Barely Enough To Retire Early With A Family

Many people dream of retiring early and enjoying a life of leisure. However, the reality is that retirement can be pretty costly, especially if you have a family to support.

To maintain a comfortable lifestyle, it is estimated that you would need at least $5 million in savings.

If you decided to prioritize retirement planning, this episode is a real eye-opener! It provides tips on stretching your savings and ensuring a comfortable retirement, especially when living in the city.

Listen to this episode

When stock prices rise, investing in a better future can be a great time.

And in this episode of Financial Samurai, you get an entire checklist on how to do that!

By understanding the risks and rewards of the bull market, you can prepare to make smart investments that help you build a happier life.

From changing jobs and taking advantage of lower rates, this episode is full of practical advice on how to boost your cash flow during this period.
Are you ready to live your best life? This episode is a great start!

Listen to this episode

Your Chances Of Becoming A Millionaire By Race, Age, And Education

Does every individual have equal chances of becoming a millionaire? According to historical data, a person’s age, race, and education play a tremendous role.

If you were wondering how to increase your odds of becoming rich? Take a look at this Financial Samurai episode to find out!

This episode is inspiring and informative and provides listeners with practical advice that they can use to improve their financial situation.

Listen to this episode

Reflecting On Two Years Of Being A Stay At Home Dad

There are pros and cons to becoming a stay-at-home parent, and this episode perfectly reflects that.

In the episode, listeners are provided with a well-rounded view of the costs and benefits of staying at home to take care of your newborn.

If you’re curious about what the life of a stay-at-home dad looks like or considering becoming one yourself, this is a must-listen.

The transparency in this episode is sure to make every stay-at-home parent nod in agreement.

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If I Could Retire All Over Again These Are The Things I’d Do Differently

One of the biggest financial mistakes people make once retired is not adjusting their expenses to their new budget.

There’s much more to keep in mind when and before retiring, and this Financial Samurai episode reveals all you should know!

It highlights the benefits of working a year longer, having children, and developing side hustles while working your day-to-day job.

Keep a pen close as Sam shares so much noteworthy advice in this episode!

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